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On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, Dr. Eli Goodman read, “The Adventures of Abe, the $5 Bill.” to this preschool class at the Early Learning Center, in Springfield, IL.

"Nothing I do is more fun and satisfying than to engage like this with kids to talk about books (including mine)." - Dr. Eli Goodman


On March 2, 2022, at Enos Elementary, in Springfield, Illinois, the school’s Books on Stage program celebrated National Read Across America Day with Dr. Eli Goodman’s presentation to the students of his book, “The Adventures of Abe, the $5 Bill.” Dr. G discussed with the students that reading is the key for them to become “true citizens of the world.”

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My school year pen pal, Gemma, and I.
On May 21st, 2018 at the Black Hawk Elementary School in Burlington, Iowa, I visited with the third-grade class of the extraordinary teacher, Denise Michelson. The kids and I discussed reading, writing, and the manuscript of my upcoming book, "The Adventures Of Abe, The $5 Bill." The kids commented extensively on the premise of the book: "That money is energy that can be used for both good and bad; so best to use it for good." (If there is an activity on the planet that is more fun than to visit with kids to discuss books and writing, please let me know what it is and I'll give it a shot.)

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Black Hawk Elementary School
Mrs. Michelson's class and I. Note that Gemma (top right) holds a $5 bill that she was about to donate to one of the school's charity initiatives.


Black Hawk Elementary School.
Serenity and I, reviewing the manuscript. The book uses adult -level prose, as I do not write in kiddy language. The book will stretch the reading skills of 3rd graders. Serenity nailed it.

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January 31, 2018 Graham Elementary School
On January 31,  Eli Goodman, MD, visited with students, staff, and community members at the Graham Elementary School in Springfield, IL, to discuss the book he authored, “The White Horse”. 14 students,  along with Parent Educator, Kim Señor, read the book and participated in a few reading activities with the author and community members: Board Member,  Donna Moore; FACE District Coordinator, Peggy Cormeny; Alderwoman, Doris Turner; and Alderman, Herman Señor. It was a fun time for all and we appreciate Dr. Goodman for visiting Graham, autographing books and hosting a book discussion with the students.

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May 7th, 2017 Black Hawk Elementary
May 7th session at the Black Hawk Elementary School, in Burlington, Iowa. The 3rd grade kids and I talked about reading, writing, philately, and good citizenship. Every year at this time, the awesome teacher of this class, Denise Michelson, invites me to visit with her students-- always a highlight for me.

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May 1st, 2017 Springfield After School Program.
May 1st reading session with kids in Springfield's "Compass" after-school program for kids living in difficult circumstances. These terrific kids surely "made my day." The "heart and soul" of Springfield, Illinois, where I have lived since 2009, is the large number of non-profit organizations and social agencies, staffed by amazing, selfless, dedicated people that devote themselves to those in need. My kind of town.

© 2016 Eli Goodman, M.D.
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